Michael J McCarthy


Michael J McCarthy hopped islands from Newfoundland to Montreal in order to pursue professional theater training. Demoralized by god
awful restoration plays and sword fighting classes, to drop out or not to drop out became the question. He then obtained a degree in Communications from Concordia which has left him financially devastated. To forget his troubles he teamed up with his best friend of over a decade and some redhead missus he met in Montreal to form Glam Gam Productions. Creating art with the members of this troupe makes Michael feel more than blessed. Sharing his life with such talented, selfless, funny, strong people that he is lucky enough to call family makes him feel good about being alive. Michael is the resident video editor for Glam Gam and is also known for spitting colour, his sense of humour, getting naked in public and being head over heels in love with Glam Gam’s amazing ex-assistant stage manager gone performer Les Blow. Michael’s endeavors outside Glam Gam include writing a column called Porndoggy for xtra.ca, modeling, photography, film making and editing porn. To occupy the little free time he has he likes to ride his bike, listen to music and keep the company of lovely old ladies.