Jessica Klein

Jessica Klein moonlights under the name Jizzika Unklean.  Mothers lock up your babies because Jizzika’s been known to devour them onstage… she doesn’t care who sees!

A prairie ex-pat, she’s been calling Montreal home for nearly a decade since moving here to study creative writing at Concordia.  She’s incredibly grateful for the Glamily giving her an outlet for ridiculous costumes, statuesque papier-mache propwork, and eager exhibitionism. Jizzika went vag out for the Thriller dance in her first show and hasn’t thought about pants since.

When she isn’t shaking her booty onstage, Jizzika designs jewelry and accessories under the shared monkier “Local Hobo” with fellow Glamily member Booze Crotch. She also writes a weekly sex column called The Morning After at the local news and culture magazine, Forget the Box, where she muses on everything from the semantics of sex to why a woman would suck off random strangers in a porno theatre.